Issuance of Permit to Repair to UP Housing Unit Lessees


To ensure the continued habitable condition of the housing unit and prevent its deterioration over the period of the lease, the new awardee may undertake repairs and maintenance works. Repair includes reconstruction, replacement or renewal of any part of the housing unit that has deteriorated due to wear and tear. Awardees intending to undertake repair are required to file an application for Permit to Repair and repair shall be done only after prior approval of the Housing Office (HO).


a.  Properly accomplished application form

b. Bill of materials (1 original)

c. Scope of work (1 original)

d. Location/Vicinity Map (1 photocopy)

e. House plan/sketch duly signed by an Engineer/Architect (1 original)

f. Photos of house areas needing immediate repair (1 original)

Request for Reimbursement through House Rental Credits of UP Housing Lessees

The University provides reimbursements through rental credits to lessee-employee who is awarded lease of a housing unit, in order to recoup expenses incurred in renovation of the awarded unit, address issues relative to health and safety hazards, heavily dilapidated units due to force majeure and repair/replacement of plumbing or electrical services, roofing and basic structure as well as water and waste disposal systems and waterproofing or weatherization. Repairs eligible for reimbursement is subject to evaluation and recommendation of the Diliman Housing Office (DHO).


a.  Letter of request

b. Summary of expenses (1 original)

c. Supporting receipts: Official receipts, Cash/Sales Invoices(1 original)

d. Issued Permit to Repair and Renewal (if any) (1 photocopy)

e. Photos of house areas after repair (1 original)


Application for Award of Lease of Housing Unit for UP Employees

Diliman Housing is a privilege that is open and made available to UP employees who meet the qualification requirements and subject to the approval of the Chancellor. As part of the rationalization and prioritization strategy on the management and utilization of University-owned housing, the Diliman Housing Office (DHO) screens applicants, evaluates their eligibilities for an award, computes their earned total points and determines their corresponding rank based on the approved point system.


a.  Properly accomplished application form

b. Latest SALN (1 photocopy; stamped received by the HRDO)

c. Updated Service Record/Contract of Service (1 photocopy)

d. Latest Pay Slip (1 photocopy)

e. Appointment Paper (1 photocopy)

f. Diploma (1 photocopy)

g. Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate (1 photocopy, if applicable)

h. Certification of Non-Ownership of Self-Built Unit (SBU)

Request for Refund of Posted Housing Bonds and Overpayment

For separated/retired lessee who opted to avail of the six (6) months extension of stay or grace period in the leased housing unit, he/she is required to post a significant amount as housing bond and security deposit. The same amount is refundable in full upon return of the keys and surrender of the leased housing unit back to the University.


a.  Letter of request

b. Death certificate

c. Designation of Next-of-Kin (in case lessee is deceased)(1 original)

d. Receipt of paid Security Deposit (1 original)

e. Affidavit of Loss Official Receipts (1 original, if applicable)

f. Clearance of No House Rental Arrears (1 photocopy)

g. Approved Notice of Moving-Out (1 original)


Signing of University Clearance for Retiring Employees

The University Clearance is a requirement for UP employees who signified their intention of retiring, separating and terminating their services from the University. The clearance is routed to various offices / units to ensure that the retiree-employee has settled all accountabilities and pending obligations (e.g., specifically of concern to Diliman Housing Office (DHO) is the return of leased housing unit and the settlement of arrearages, if any) from these offices/ units.


a.  University Clearance Form signed by the Unit’s Administrative Officer and the Head of UnitMoving-Out Form (if applicable)

b. Updated Service Record (1 photocopy)

c. Latest Pay Slip (1 photocopy)

d. HRDO’s computation of the Service recognition Pay (SRP) (for Administrative Staff and REPS)/Faculty Sick Leave Benefits (FSLB) (For Faculty)

e. Paid MERALCO Bills for the last 2 months

f. Paid MWCI Bills for the last 2 months

g. Death Certificate (1 photocopy, if applicable)

h. Designation of Next-of-Kin (in case the original lessee is deceased) (1 original)

i. Proof of Payment/Official Receipt for Paid House Rental Arrearages (if any) (1 photocopy)

For retiring employees without leased housing units:

Requirement: Duly accomplished University Clearance Form Signed by the Administrative Office/Head of the Unit