In the 1346th meeting of the Board of Regents (BOR) held last 31 July 2019, the BOR approved the upgrading of the UP Diliman Task Force on Solid Waste Management (TFSWM) into the Diliman Environmental Management Office (DEMO). This should allow for a larger scope of responsibilities which include dealing with hazardous waste, monitoring of water air quality, developing biodiversity conservation and projection, and managing the green space of UP Diliman.
DEMO’s Tasks:
- Formulation of a comprehensive UP Diliman Solid Waste Management Plan;
- Formulation of specific guidelines for solid waste volume reduction for residential units, dormitories, commercial establishments, academic and administrative buildings within the UP Diliman campus;
- Operation and maintenance of the University’s Materials Recovery Facility;
- Monitoring of air and water quality within the UP Diliman campus;
- Conduct of informational and education programs about ecological solid waste management, biodiversity conservation and protection;
- Extension of assistance to nearby LGUs in their solid waste management programs; and
- Formulation of policies on environmental protection and waste management and endorsement of these policies to the concerned University and local government officials.